On Alternative Lifestyles

It's important to be happy with your life and its direction.  I am anatomically and genetically male but psychologically a female.  While I can't change my genetic make up and won't change (even if I could) my psyche, I can alter my anatomy.  I hope to have the surgery soon.

After much deliberation and soul searching, I have reached the conclusion that I wasn't a mistake or freak of nature.  I have that part of my destiny is to help people understand transexualism and accept it as a solution for themselves or others.

I don't go around preaching and making grand stands.  I live my life to my high code of ethics and morals.  I hope to show the world that I am more similar to and less different than most of the population.

Acceptance is the key here, not condoning, agreeing, or even tolerating.  One can tolerate pain but accepting pain is another story.  I am not pain; I am person.

In order to accept me, you don't have to have me over to dinner (but that would be nice), introduce me to your brother, or even make polite conversation with me.  However, you will need to work with me from time to time.  All I ask is to be cordial and/or professional.

There are other alternative lifestyles besides transexualism.  Homosexual, inter-racial, inter-religional, inter marital, polygamy, Satanism, atheism, Buddhism, and the list goes on.  Personally, I don't condone all of them.  As long as the lifestyle (in itself) doesn't harm children or animals, I will accept it.

Okay, that's all I have to say on alternative lifestyles for now.  But, if you want me to meet your brother give him my phone number.

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